Unit 26 Film Studies

Genre: Horror/thriller,Chick flick,Fantasy,Action/adventure,Blockbuster,Romance,Romantic comedy,Western,Comedy, Sci-Fi and Drama.

What is Genre? 
Genre is the term for any category of literature or other forms of art or culture, e.g. music, and in general, any type of discourse, whether written or spoken, audio or visual, based on some set of stylistic criteria. Genres are formed by conventions that change over time as new genres are invented and the use of old ones are discontinued.

The features a Horror movie might have:
Dark colours, backgrounds
A number of scenes in the dark
Creepy music
Silence to build suspense
Heavy breathing sounds
Volatile weather (mist, storms, thunder etc)
Isolation or someone alone
Sudden camera shots

Tropic Thunder Trailer: This trailer is 2 minutes and 30 seconds. You can tell what the genre it is which is Action and Comedy. They are many signs as these actors think they are actually doing a movie but they are put into a real life war situation where they face of enemies that don't know they are actors. It has narration and tells what the story is going to be about and sometimes is explained with the actors within the trailer.

Wall -E trailer: This trailer is two minutes and 30 seconds. You can tell what the genre is during the trailer. The genre is Animation/ Adventure. First sign that you get is the from the production companies which are Disney Land and Pixar. As soon as you see these companies you know roughly what type of genre it is. During the trailer they is text that tells a brief story of what is too happen but ends by Wall-E flying away which will make the audience want to see it and pay go see it.

10000 BC trailer: This trailer is 2 minutes and 22 seconds. The Genre of this trailer is action ,adventure and drama. The production companies can tell us what type of genre it can be as it was distributed by Warner Brothers Pictures and the production companies Legendary Pictures and Centropolis Entertainment. Then you can also tell by the audio that is used as it creates suspense. The text that is showed during the trailer does tell the story for a small section and the narration is used to tell the narrative.

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