The camera angles used in this music videos are;
- Extreme Close Up - An extreme version of the close up, generally magnifying beyond what the human eye would experience in reality. An extreme close-up of a face, for instance, would show only the mouth or eyes, with no background detail whatsoever.
- Eye Level Shot - A fairly neutral shot; the camera is positioned as though it is a human actually observing a scene, so that eg actors' heads are on a level with the focus.
- Over the Shoulder - A shot taken over the shoulder of a character showing exactly what the character is seeing.
- Point of View - A shot which is understood to be seen from the point of view of character within the scene.
- Long shot - This category includes the full shot showing the entire human body, with the head near the top of the frame and the feet near the bottom. While the focus is on characters, plenty of background detail still emerges
- Two Shot - A shot in which two actors appear within the frame.
The eye level shot shows a car pulling up on the opposite side of the house with J.Cole and his companion waiting the girls boyfriend to leave the house. As this is not told we can tell that J.Cole has a interest in the girl.

The over the shoulder shows a wealthy man getting dressed to go to work. This man is played by Miguel and is the boyfriend of the love interest of J.Cole. Over the shoulder shows us what the character is seeing but makes us feel like we are right next to him. Thats also the difference between point of view and over the shoulder.

Homework First Week
‘Mirrors’ is a supernatural horror film. This film has low key lighting, shadows, quick cuts, changes in camera angles and tension music. They use these technical codes to provide tension to the audience therefore they are scared. Colours used in the film are normally dreary like greys, blacks and white to emphasise the lack of motivation or enthusiasm to make the character in pursuit of the antagonist feel helpless and defeated. They are some parts of the film that show strong colours such as red or blue. Blue will in horror films will sometimes symbolise death and red being the most obvious connotes death. Camera movements tend to be slow in horror movies as I think it leaves the audience aware of what could happen next.
This film does follow all the conventions but there is something that is unusual about the film as it the protagonist does die at the end being trapped in the mirror.
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